Boxing day runners

We have had a few runners over the Christmas period, Wonga Swinger ran at Bangor on Dee last Thursday, he has now been given a handicap mark of 87 which should make life a little easier from here on. We had 2 runners on boxing day, Torhousemuir at Huntingdon where he was running well up until falling halfway, but I am pleased to report he is sound and well this morning and we'll find something similar for him very soon which is more than can be said for his poor Jockey Josh Moore who had to be stood down for his remaining rides, we all wish him a speedy recovery and hope to see him back riding very soon. El Tiburon went to Fontwell where he didn't seem to pick up the bridle and was never really going, he too is fine after the run and I'll also be looking for races for him soon where we will hopefully put the disappointing run behind him. It was great to see my good friend Andrew Thornton get his 1000th winner yesterday at Wincanton, its a great achievement that he fully deserves and he can now retire a happy man after reaching this impressive milestone!

We had our staff Xmas party in the week which entailed burning some energy off trampolining before a trip to the all you can eat restaurant in Swindon! It was great to get the team together and have a good laugh after all the hard work they put in day in day out.
Later this week we have a few entries and all horses seem in good order so we very much look forward to our them running.