A win for Powderonthebonnet

Powderonthebonnet got the win he deserved last week at Ffos Las, with Adam Nicol on board who gave him a very cool ride. He has come out of the race well and we are hoping to run him again next week while he is feeling so well in himself.
Samdibien also ran at Ffos Las, he put in a very lackluster performance and never jumped with any fluency. Nothing has come to light since and he now heads to Southwell next Tuesday where he ran so well on his penultimate start, fingers crossed he can finish the season on a positive note for all his connections and the team at home.
We had an exciting phone call from Yorton Stud last week to say On The Couch and Haidees Reflection are both in foal, they have now been picked up and are enjoying getting fat in the field together! They both looked great having spent a few weeks at Yorton, so a big thank you to all the team there.

A new horse arrived on Tuesday after Sam took a trip to Ascot sales, she is a 3 year old chestnut filly by Windsor Knot out of Tara Tara. She was broken and ridden away as a 2yr old before being turned away to grow. She's very athletic looking and is an excellent mover she looks the type that will come to hand very quickly and will be aimed at a mares bumper probably after Christmas time. She is now in the field with all the other horses and will be back in soon to start off her career. She is for sale, so please get in touch for more information!

Dusty has made great progress this week and is now walking and trotting around the tracks on her own and in company. If only they were all as straight forward as she has been so far!
It is all systems go with getting the yard up together, with lots of powerhosing and painting to keep us busy over the next few weeks!